Say Goodbye to Floaters, Transform Your Eyesight

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Floaters are a common occurrence, and although they are generally harmless, they can sometimes be a sign of a more serious condition. If you notice sudden changes in your vision, especially if it's accompanied by flashes of light or darkening vision, it's important to see an eye doctor as soon as possible to rule out any serious underlying conditions.

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Eye Floaters Removal

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Experience Top-notch Removal Solutions

Floaters, those pesky dark spots or cobweb-like shapes drifting across your vision, can be a real nuisance. While they are usually harmless, persistent floaters can disrupt daily activities and even indicate underlying eye conditions that require attention.

Our experienced team of ophthalmologists in Las Vegas is well-versed in the latest techniques for floaters removal. We begin by conducting a comprehensive evaluation of your eyes to determine the severity of the floaters and rule out any associated eye conditions.

Committed to Your Safety

Your safety and well-being are our top priorities at Brimhall Eye. We ensure that every step of the floaters removal process is conducted with utmost care and precision. Our ophthalmologists are highly trained and experienced in performing these procedures, minimizing the risks associated with floaters removal.

Before undergoing any treatment, we will provide a comprehensive consultation, explaining the benefits, potential risks, and available alternatives. We believe in empowering our patients with knowledge, so you can make informed decisions about your eye care.

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What Causes Floaters?

Floaters are caused by the clumping of collagen or connective tissue in the vitreous jelly that fills the space between the retina and the lens. Other substances, such as blood or white blood cells, can also contribute to the formation of floaters. Posterior vitreous detachment, or the separation of the vitreous jelly from the retina, can also cause the sudden onset of floaters.
Closer look of a protected and healthy eye

Personalized Eye Floaters Treatment

Achieving Optimal Outcomes with Individualized Care

We understand that every patient is different, which is why we take a personalized approach to eye floaters treatment. Our skilled professionals tailor each procedure to suit the individual patient, ensuring the best possible results. Through our expertise and attention to detail, we strive to provide optimal outcomes for your vision.

Couple with perfect eyes and no eye problems

What Are the Treatment Options for Floaters?

Floaters are generally harmless and do not require treatment. However, if they are affecting your quality of life, there are several treatment options available. The most common treatment is a laser procedure that safely removes or reduces floaters. This procedure is simple and done in the office setting with no special care required afterwards. Other treatment options include specialized drops to reduce symptoms or a surgery called a “vitrectomy” for those who are not candidates for laser.

Eye Floaters FAQs

Floaters are generally harmless and do not require treatment. However, if they are affecting your quality of life, there are several treatment options available. The most common treatment is a laser procedure that safely removes or reduces floaters. This procedure is simple and done in the office setting with no special care required afterwards. Other treatment options include specialized drops to reduce symptoms or a surgery called a “vitrectomy” for those who are not candidates for laser.
Generally, floaters are not dangerous. However, if you notice sudden changes in your vision, especially if it’s accompanied by flashes of light or darkening vision, it’s important to see an eye doctor as soon as possible to rule out any serious underlying conditions.
The eye is dilated, and a special lens is used to keep you from blinking while the laser is applied. Typically, there is no pain. Total treatment time is usually around 10 minutes. Sometimes multiple treatments are required.
Vitrectomy is a surgery that removes the vitreous gel along with the floating debris inside the eye. This procedure is typically reserved for those who are not candidates for laser treatment.


Get Relief from Floaters with the Best Eye Care Services

If you’re experiencing bothersome floaters that are affecting your quality of life, contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced eye doctors to discuss your treatment options. Our team provides the best care and treatment for all types of eye conditions, including floaters.

Eye consultation with Dr Brett D Brimhall MD and Dr Jordan Thomson DO