General · Brimhall Eye
Las Vegas eye doctor checking patient report documents

Yellow Eyes: 9 Top Causes & Health Implications

You’ve just woken up, and are beginning your morning routine, when your partner walks into the washroom and gives you a bit of a funny look. They make a remark about your eyes looking a little yellow. You pause for a moment, wondering if it’s just the light, before taking a second glance to confirm. … Continued

Las Vegas eye doctors checking optical equipment

LASIK vs. ICL – Picking What’s Right For You

If you’re looking to ditch your prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses permanently, and are trying to decide between LASIK vs. ICL vision correction treatments, the right choice for you will depend on a few factors. LASIK and ICL are both safe, and effective treatments with excellent results, that are long-term solutions to refractive error correction, … Continued

Las Vegas man experiencing pain with an eye condition

Pinguecula vs. Pterygium: Causes, Symptoms, & Remedies

Pinguecula vs. pterygium are two common eye conditions that affect the conjunctiva, or the membrane that covers the white part of your eyes and lines the inner eyelid. While these two conditions have similar causes and symptoms, how they differ can help you better understand your eye health, recognize their onset, and take the proper … Continued

Las Vegas woman feeling pain around her eye

5 Eye Diseases That Can Cause Blindness

For many individuals diagnosed with progressive eye diseases or visual impairment, the greatest fear is losing their vision altogether. In the United States, 93 million adults are at serious risk for vision loss, while 12 million over the age of 40 have a visual impairment. If you fall into this category, the importance of understanding … Continued

Closer look of the eye of a PRK surgery candidate in Las Vegas

Las Vegas Ophthalmologist & PRK: Photorefractive Keratectomy 101

Sight is one of the most important of the five senses. Taking care of your eyes can help you maintain your sight as you age, as can regular appointments with your Las Vegas ophthalmologist. You’ll want to report any issues with your sight as soon as possible because serious eye conditions can lead to vision … Continued

A female eye doctor examines her patient

What Does an Ophthalmologist Treat? From Brimhall Eye of Las Vegas

Taking care of your vision is just as vital as taking care of any other aspect of your health. Even if you think your vision is fine, more than 11 million Americans over age 12 need vision correction. Many eye diseases don’t have symptoms and can go undetected for a long time. Finding the right … Continued

An art about the eyes' beauty

Las Vegas Ophthalmologist: Types of Vision Correction Surgery

If you have problems seeing clearly, you are not alone. In the United States, about 12 million people over 40 have vision problems, with 75% of those due to uncorrected refractive errors. However, your options are numerous. There are several surgical and non-surgical treatments that you can receive for vision correction. Each of these options … Continued

A patient having the advanced eye care facility

First Meetings: Get To Know Your Las Vegas Ophthalmologist Team

Trusting Brimhall Eye Center to meet all your ophthalmology needs means working with experts who make individualized care a top priority, as each doctor relies on a “fewer patients, more time” approach that ensures enough time and energy to concentrate on each person they see. Brimhall Eye’s patient-centered environment results in happier clientele. So it’s … Continued